Life Lately

September 8, 2016 Baltimore, MD, USA

I turned 31 over Labor Day weekend. I say it every year, but now I really feel like it's true: I'm officially old.

Sean planned a surprise day trip to beautiful St. Michael's on Maryland's eastern shore. It was a perfect day made more perfect with the lack of traffic and crowds due to the forecasted hurricane that didn't actually make an appearance.

another LulaRoe Carly dress—so comfy!

McHenry has made himself at home. He's gone from investigating  the house slowly and retreating to "his room" whenever Anise is present to testing his boundaries by jumping on tables and countertops before we scold him to get down (naturally, we purchased and built a cat tree for him to feed a cat's need for a place to perch, and he has no interest in it whatsoever). He and Anise aren't quite friends but have moved on to being less reactive to the sight of one another which is a step in the right direction. He even jumped onto the sofa to sniff her while she was napping one day—his first time ever approaching her.

The vacation we've dreamed of for years is finally becoming a reality. We'll be visiting Ireland for the first time this year and can't wait. Things are slowly getting ticked off our to do list in preparation, and I'm getting especially anxious about the fact that I can't find any decent boots! Cute, comfortable, waterproof, and a good fit appears to be a hard combination to find. Definitely open to suggestions of everyone's go-to boot brands!

What's been happening in your life lately?

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  1. So excited for your trip to Ireland, I hope you'll be sharing that journey with us! :) We need to get together soon, summer killed me but I'll be back in Maryland on the 20th and hope we can plan something after that!

  2. I was going to ask how you like Carly. I'm scared to try any of the dresses. I'm jealous of your trip to the Emerald Isle. I went when I studied abroad in England in college. How I would love to go back!


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