easy [and cheap!] IKEA dog bed hack
January 29, 2015 • Anise, DIY
Dog owners know that accessories can get expensive. Especially owners of 80+ lb. breeds like yours truly.
In a house like ours with wood floors, soft bedding for Anise is a must. It's also not terribly affordable to replace when you wake up to this:
Yep. Miss Thing needs attention and when she doesn't get it, i.e., when we're sleeping or out of the house (hence no bedding in her crate), she finds ways to entertain herself.
Just days before, I was talking to Sean, irritated about how the beds were sliding all over the floor, all over the house: "we should get rug pads or something for these. They're always moving and in the way." (As larger breeds are prone to joint issues, especially as they get older, it's good to provide soft places for her to lay on our aforementioned wood floors and thus we keep beds on all main floors)
As it worked out, I had to pop into IKEA to pick up a gift card. Naturally, I had to meander through the "marketplace" on my way to the registers.
Almost immediately, I spotted it: a roll of said "rug pad" material (STOPP, they call it). At $3.99. Yoink! I can't stop her from chewing her bed apart when we're asleep, but I can keep her remaining bed and what's left of her (no longer in her) crate pad from sliding all over the floors. Good enough.
Then, it got better. I spotted the TOFTBO bath mat right before I hit the registers. $9.99. A light bulb went off. She could still have something soft, and if she rips it up, fine, but at least there won't be balls of fluff floating all over the house (and in her tummy). It was worth a shot.
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I made the new bed for Anise, attached the STOPP to her other 2 beds, and had STOPP to spare. $14 at IKEA and some hot glue bought back some of my sanity.
I felt pretty successful, but of course, the final verdict was in Anise's paws...
I think she's in agreement with me.
Baltimore, MD, USA
Nutritional Yeast: Tastes Like Cheese?
January 27, 2015 • food, green, health and beauty, review
Disclosure: I received the product discussed in exchange for my opinions which are my own.
"since when is yeast nutritional?"
I was in her shoes just two years ago. It wasn't until I binge-watched various vegan shows on hulu that the term was even on my radar. A family as assured they could eat "all the normal things people eat" on a plant-based diet, pizza being one of them - dough was piled high with veggies and instead of cheese was topped with nutritional yeast, an uber-healthy "cheese substitute".
I was intrigued. I made a mental note to pick up some of this stuff on my next grocery trip.
As often happens, my mental note failed me and I forgot on most grocery trips to look for the stuff. Thankfully, Sari Foods
I was giddy to see a bag with "Tastes like cheese!" proclaimed on the front. Cheese, after all is a primary reason why I'm vegetarian vs. vegan. I'd been scouring google and Pinterest for all the top nutritional yeast uses. I was ready to substitute my cheese for this vegan, nutrient-packed superfood (let it be noted that the Non-Fortified Nutritional Yeast Flakes by Sari Foods
I couldn't wait; I opened the bag, dipped a teaspoon in, and dropped a few flakes on my tongue,
I don't know how to describe what the flakes taste like solo, but cheese is not the answer. I figured the flakes needed to mix with food to yield optimal taste.
I tried the most basic of things to sprinkling the stuff on popcorn (this seems to be one of the most popular uses) to the most daring of creating a vegan "cheese" dipping sauce. Neither tasted like cheese and both resulted in grimaces from Sean and I.
It was disappointment to say the least; I really, really wanted to love nutritional yeast. I plan to keep experimenting, but so far the only way I've enjoyed the flakes are hidden in a batch of baked ziti...that contained tons of cheese. At least we still got the nutrients!
I do know, however, that nutritional yeast is only gaining popularity. I'm holding onto the hope that I simply have not yet discovered my preferred use for the stuff, So, existing fans, help me out and leave your favorite use for nutritional yeast in the comments below (and for more ideas, the Non-Fortified Nutritional Yeast Flakes by Sari Foods
I'll keep trying, and in the meantime, I'm glad that nutritional yeast is pet-friendly. Anise loves gobbling down the Nutritional Yeast popcorn!
Baltimore, MD, USA
5 easy ways to reduce waste
January 26, 2015 • DIY, green
As part of my ongoing green living journey, I decided that this year I would pay more attention to the waste I am personally responsible for and take steps to reduce it.
As previously discussed, I'm already an avid recycler and I wouldn't dream of littering. Still, there's always room for improvement. There's the intentional projects, like fixing broken boots instead of buying a new pair, and then there's the daily nitty-gritty. The little things I hadn't thought much of but know they add up. That's where most of my changes have been thus far. Small things with a big impact. Sometimes easy, sometimes inconvenient.
1. Use what you already have
It's dangerous to think that waste is only what we throw out—acquiring additional things that will only be tossed out again shortly is equally harmful.
For instance, I love gift wrappings—I have quite the collection of wrapping paper (plus cute bags, tissue, ribbon, etc.) I get a rush picking out more at Christmas sales for the following year. It's a bargain, right?
Wrong. Just because I recycle doesn't mean everyone else does. And really, I have rolls of paper yet to be opened. The simple truth is I have enough. I don't need more. This year, I literally fought the impulse every time I saw a cute roll of paper. From now on, I use what I have. When I run out? We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Really, who says all wrapping must be occasion-specific? I recently went to a baby shower, and instead of rushing to Target for pastel trappings, I shopped my own collection. The paper was neutral and chic, and instead of paying the insane price of cards these days, I used part of the mommy-to-be's gift as a gift tag. I don't think she was thinking my wrapping was unaccepable or frugal when she saw how the gift was wrapped and exclaimed "you're so creative!"
2. Recycle—even when you can't
I've already mentioned I recycle whenever possible. But, the reality is, sometimes I "can't". Sometimes I'm out and about and there's only a trash can for my plastic water bottle. Sometimes I'm at work and I think it's no big deal if I toss that post-it note into the trash can since it's right at my desk.
Those little things add up. The good news it, it's easy to be intentional and set yourself up for success. Keep a bag or container in your car for recyclables that you can take home.
In my office, we are fortunate to have recycling containers throughout the office. To fight my own laziness, I brought in a waste bin separate from my trash can. Anything recyclable (my greek yogurt cups, those post-it notes, etc.) gets tossed in there and at the end of each day, I sort the paper, aluminum, and plastic into the appropriate office bins. Having a visual of how much I could have thrown away is a great encouragement to keep it up!
3. Repurpose at home
My dad was (and is) the king of this. Holes in his undershirt? He cut the shirt up and they became rags for dirty work in the garage. Helping a neighbor with yardwork? He brought home firewood (really, it stunned and still stuns me that people buy logs for their fireplaces. My dad is handy and always got wood somewhere that was not the store). This cuts back on waste and saves money.
What can you repurpose? Here, it can be as simple as a towel that's a little to worn for daily use to be kept around for spills or after bathing the dog.
4. Implement a plan for things you no longer want or need
Among the 2015 resolution buzz, I found the #ThrowOut50Things Challende. I'm all for de-cluttering, but I'm not at all for the "throwing out" part (hello, waste!).
A plan of action is so important here because clutter has a way of staying put or relocating otherwise. As a kid, we had a "giveaway box" where we put old toys or clothes that no longer fit. When it was full, my dad donated all the contents to a thrift store.
We're still slowly unpacking boxes and finding items we clearly don't need. For an item that can move quickly (think furniture or electronics), We list the item on a local Facebook yard sale group—a quick way to lose an item and gain a few dollars. We also keep a designated bag for clothes that can be donated (I drop it off in a local Planet Aid or similar bin whenever it's full) and a designated box for items that could be potentially sold at a yard sale (if it doesn't sell, off to the thrift store it goes!). If it comes to our attention that someone we know has a need for an item we have and don't need use—we're happy to give it to them! Kindness is never wasteful.
5. Choose quality whenever possible
This can be the most difficult, especially when money is tight. We know. It's easier to choose the cheap disposable razors when refill blades are so darn expensive. It's easier to get your groceries bagged at the store instead of worrying about buying and remembering reusable bags. It's easier to buy fast fashion that you can have now even though you know it'll fall apart by season's end and you'll be buying all new clothes next season.
Baby steps here.
Quality costs more initially, but quality outlasts the life cost of the "affordable" option that you pay for many times over via replacements. And no replacements means less waste. Using the dishes when you would rather skip doing dishes and use paper plates saves you money and saves landfill waste at the end of the day.
Most of us can't do it all at once, but we can evaluate. What are we buying only because it's cheap? Can invest in a long-lasting alternative? Can we do without it for a bit longer until we save the money for the long-lasting alternative?

As previously discussed, I'm already an avid recycler and I wouldn't dream of littering. Still, there's always room for improvement. There's the intentional projects, like fixing broken boots instead of buying a new pair, and then there's the daily nitty-gritty. The little things I hadn't thought much of but know they add up. That's where most of my changes have been thus far. Small things with a big impact. Sometimes easy, sometimes inconvenient.
1. Use what you already have
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Birthday? Wedding? Just Because? Who Knows? Plus, I reused that ribbon and the recipient can do the same! |
It's dangerous to think that waste is only what we throw out—acquiring additional things that will only be tossed out again shortly is equally harmful.
For instance, I love gift wrappings—I have quite the collection of wrapping paper (plus cute bags, tissue, ribbon, etc.) I get a rush picking out more at Christmas sales for the following year. It's a bargain, right?
Wrong. Just because I recycle doesn't mean everyone else does. And really, I have rolls of paper yet to be opened. The simple truth is I have enough. I don't need more. This year, I literally fought the impulse every time I saw a cute roll of paper. From now on, I use what I have. When I run out? We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Really, who says all wrapping must be occasion-specific? I recently went to a baby shower, and instead of rushing to Target for pastel trappings, I shopped my own collection. The paper was neutral and chic, and instead of paying the insane price of cards these days, I used part of the mommy-to-be's gift as a gift tag. I don't think she was thinking my wrapping was unaccepable or frugal when she saw how the gift was wrapped and exclaimed "you're so creative!"
2. Recycle—even when you can't
I've already mentioned I recycle whenever possible. But, the reality is, sometimes I "can't". Sometimes I'm out and about and there's only a trash can for my plastic water bottle. Sometimes I'm at work and I think it's no big deal if I toss that post-it note into the trash can since it's right at my desk.
Those little things add up. The good news it, it's easy to be intentional and set yourself up for success. Keep a bag or container in your car for recyclables that you can take home.
In my office, we are fortunate to have recycling containers throughout the office. To fight my own laziness, I brought in a waste bin separate from my trash can. Anything recyclable (my greek yogurt cups, those post-it notes, etc.) gets tossed in there and at the end of each day, I sort the paper, aluminum, and plastic into the appropriate office bins. Having a visual of how much I could have thrown away is a great encouragement to keep it up!
3. Repurpose at home
My dad was (and is) the king of this. Holes in his undershirt? He cut the shirt up and they became rags for dirty work in the garage. Helping a neighbor with yardwork? He brought home firewood (really, it stunned and still stuns me that people buy logs for their fireplaces. My dad is handy and always got wood somewhere that was not the store). This cuts back on waste and saves money.
What can you repurpose? Here, it can be as simple as a towel that's a little to worn for daily use to be kept around for spills or after bathing the dog.
4. Implement a plan for things you no longer want or need
Among the 2015 resolution buzz, I found the #ThrowOut50Things Challende. I'm all for de-cluttering, but I'm not at all for the "throwing out" part (hello, waste!).
A plan of action is so important here because clutter has a way of staying put or relocating otherwise. As a kid, we had a "giveaway box" where we put old toys or clothes that no longer fit. When it was full, my dad donated all the contents to a thrift store.
We're still slowly unpacking boxes and finding items we clearly don't need. For an item that can move quickly (think furniture or electronics), We list the item on a local Facebook yard sale group—a quick way to lose an item and gain a few dollars. We also keep a designated bag for clothes that can be donated (I drop it off in a local Planet Aid or similar bin whenever it's full) and a designated box for items that could be potentially sold at a yard sale (if it doesn't sell, off to the thrift store it goes!). If it comes to our attention that someone we know has a need for an item we have and don't need use—we're happy to give it to them! Kindness is never wasteful.
5. Choose quality whenever possible
This can be the most difficult, especially when money is tight. We know. It's easier to choose the cheap disposable razors when refill blades are so darn expensive. It's easier to get your groceries bagged at the store instead of worrying about buying and remembering reusable bags. It's easier to buy fast fashion that you can have now even though you know it'll fall apart by season's end and you'll be buying all new clothes next season.
Baby steps here.
Quality costs more initially, but quality outlasts the life cost of the "affordable" option that you pay for many times over via replacements. And no replacements means less waste. Using the dishes when you would rather skip doing dishes and use paper plates saves you money and saves landfill waste at the end of the day.
Most of us can't do it all at once, but we can evaluate. What are we buying only because it's cheap? Can invest in a long-lasting alternative? Can we do without it for a bit longer until we save the money for the long-lasting alternative?
Baltimore, MD, USA
when windshield wipers are romantic (EZWipers review + giveaway)
January 22, 2015 • giveaway, review
Disclaimer: The product discussed and prize offered were given to me in exchange for my opinions which are my own.
Case in point: Years ago, a group of us had all gathered at a mutual friend's house one day and as people began to head home, I noticed the host speaking to a few girls with a bewildered look on her face. I approached the discussion to hear her relaying with an awkward giggle: "He gave me a fan. Once I mentioned it was hot in my office. I don't know what that means."
"It means he likes you...he really likes you," I replied.
She doubted me. They were engaged less than a year later.
While my own engagement took much longer than a few months (I was 19 when I started dating Sean), I remember many such instances of "practical romance:" a container of kitty litter to be prepared for an impending snow storm; an early departure from work to help me with an unexpected flat on my first day of my first job in Maryland (and my own tool to do it myself should it happen again); a purchase of new tires when my car refused to make a turn and blew them on a curb. I was in college and couldn't do it.
Flowers? No. Love? Yes.
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Days like this suck. Helpful husbands make them a little better. |
It's funny to look back and think that most of Sean's "practical romantic" gestures have had to do with car trouble (the year we got married, that all changed when I finally got a new car. Hallelujah!). But, it's not really a surprise. Car issues always pop up when most inconvenient - when you're a broke student, on your first day of work, when you get home from vacation. Boo. Who wants to deal with that? Not I.
I welcome the reminder that Sean loves me when he does such things, but let's be honest: I'd rather those circumstances not occur in the first place. That means I should stay on top of things like preventative and routine maintenance - get the oil changed when you should; get that alignment when things start to feel wobbly; change out those wiper blades when they start to smudge - before you're stuck in a rainstorm with no visibility.
Some of these are super time and money consuming; others are much easier. While I'm still waiting for online oil changes, I can meet other automotive needs online - like wiper blades (which are supposed to be replaced every 6 months even though I know we all wait longer)!
Thanks to EZWipers, I have one less car task to stress about last minute. I just go to the site, tell them what car I drive, and let them select the right fit (guaranteed!) wipers I need. Plus, they ship for free in just a few days! So much better than standing at the store trying to compare brands and remember what measurements I need.
EZWipers sent me a set of Anco Series 31 blades (I admit, it's been about a year since I last replaced mine) which were super easy to replace - this is car task I'm able to do without Sean's help. Bring it, rainstorm!
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Seriously, you just pop 'em right in! |
But, if installation is not your thing, no worries. EZwipers is full of resources including installation videos. Or, you can take the opportunity to test your man's love ;)
Did I just remind you that it's been a year or two since you replaced your wipers? No worries. EZWipers is giving a free pair of Anco Series 31 wiper blades to one of you. Enter to win below, and come back for more automotive talk as I will be joining other female area bloggers at the Washington Auto Show!
Tarte Tartelette palette GIVEAWAY
January 21, 2015 • giveaway
A hundred tiny wishes | Penny's Passion | The Dwelling Tree | Glitz & Grits |
Musings of a Museum Fanatic
Musings of a Museum Fanatic
The Tarte Tartelette palette is amazing. If you love matte shadows, or makeup in general then you will absolutely love this palette. To start off the year on a good note, myself and all the ladies above are giving away 2 of these palettes! Make sure you enter below and check out all the amazing bloggers above. Good luck!
Baltimore, MD, USA
dressed for work with eshakti
January 19, 2015 • review
Thanks to eshakti for the pretty dress and to Mother Nature for calming down long enough for me to wear it!
Finally, the coveted e-mail came and a custom dress was mine! In a timely fashion, the dress I chose arrived on Christmas Eve. The ponte fabric was so stretchy and comfy, yet so heavy and sturdy. I knew I'd picked a winner. I couldn't wait to show it off at the office!
Did I say all seasons? Maybe not. Winter hit Maryland pretty hard in 2015, and the first week back involved high temperatures that started with a '1'. No, thank you.
Eventually, the temps crawled from below freezing to exactly freezing long enough for me to finally enjoy my new dress!
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If the bag looks familiar, you first saw it last May when I received it from Red Buffalo Trading. I still love it! |
It was still freaking cold and so currently my favorite way to "style" the dress is with a coat, like above. But, I know eventually temps will come back to a place where I can enjoy it like so:
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Don't let the excessive sunshine fool you. It's freezing outside! |
Oh yes, I'm excited for milder temps so I can work this into the work wardrobe rotation more often. I mean, the pretty color, the fun neckline....the pockets! I could seriously sleep in this thing, but it's totally pretty and work acceptable. Oh, and it's machine washable. I washed the dress (in a lingerie bag) before even taking these photos and hang-dried it. No problems whatsoever!
Full disclosure: I tried an eshakti dress before this one that didn't work out for me at all. If you're a curvy girl. note that the full skirts really are very full. It wasn't a good fit and I didn't care for the fabric at all.
This is where I get to brag: customer service was amazing! The return process of the first dress was super easy and hassle free, and they let me select another style (as you see) and helped me confirm all measurements were taken properly to ensure the best fit (I took advantage of the option to submit all my measurements for an exact fit, but you can also select your size). I now can identify which styles are best for me and know that I prefer the ponte fabric dresses to some of the other fabrics on the site. I'm already eyeballing this ponte beauty for the spring:
I'm thinking I'll be customizing it with short sleeves.
Baltimore, MD, USA
easy, pretty nails with Jamberry [re•view + giveaway]
January 16, 2015 • giveaway, health and beauty, review
In 2014, my social media feeds were all swarming with pictures of "Jamicures." Tell me I'm not the only one! By the Holidays, I'd been invited to countless parties. By year's end, I'd gone from knowing one Jamberry consultant to knowing 4. Wow!
So, what's the deal?
All along, I thought that (most of) the wraps were cute... but I refused to try them because I doubted my own abilities. If I can't put a screen protector on my cell phone without getting it misaligned and having bubbles all over the place, I don't know how on earth I can make some microscopic sticker sit just right on my nails without looking like someone's toddler did it.
My mind was flashing back to those horrid press-on nails of the 90's that never worked. Nope. Things that press on my nails don't work, so Jamberry, you will not happen. No way, no how.
Things in Jamberry land seemed to explode right around Thanksgiving. Somehow I won a drawing and won a free sheet of wraps. Hey, if they're free, what do I have to lose? I picked a cute Christmas pattern and got to work with my (rather crude, I'm not buying fancy stuff) tools.
The result?
Better than I expected! No ugly bubbles or poor fits. And despite not using the recommended application tools, application wasn't as difficult as I expected. Most of the wraps stayed on. Not bad for a rookie try!
Also, right about that time, another consultant was looking for reviewers. Why the heck not? This was the perfect way to see if 1. The tools matter and 2. practice makes perfect. Jill sent me a sheet of wraps (enough for 2 manis and 2 pedis) as well as an application kit.
The answers are 1. yes and 2. yes. The wraps stayed on much longer (they can last up to two weeks on hands and longer on toes, but I'm antsy!) this time and having the kit, especially the scissors, made application much simpler!
So, I've applied these things twice...and I'm a believer! I love that they aren't polish (I wreck polish by day 2 if I haven't already in the painting/drying process), I love how long they last but you can easily apply/remove whenever, and I just love that they're fun but subtle.
Have you tried a Jamberry wrap yet? Or are you nervous like I was? Jamberry has great resources including application videos to get you started. Plus, you can try before you buy—just contact Jill for a free sample!
Like what you've seen/tried? Order up! Or, if you're feeling lucky, enter below for a $25 Jamberry credit with Jill!
(also, you can check out other giveaways and link up your own here!)

So, what's the deal?
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just 5 of the wraps on my wish list... |
My mind was flashing back to those horrid press-on nails of the 90's that never worked. Nope. Things that press on my nails don't work, so Jamberry, you will not happen. No way, no how.
Things in Jamberry land seemed to explode right around Thanksgiving. Somehow I won a drawing and won a free sheet of wraps. Hey, if they're free, what do I have to lose? I picked a cute Christmas pattern and got to work with my (rather crude, I'm not buying fancy stuff) tools.
The result?
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"Tinsel Town" |
Better than I expected! No ugly bubbles or poor fits. And despite not using the recommended application tools, application wasn't as difficult as I expected. Most of the wraps stayed on. Not bad for a rookie try!
Also, right about that time, another consultant was looking for reviewers. Why the heck not? This was the perfect way to see if 1. The tools matter and 2. practice makes perfect. Jill sent me a sheet of wraps (enough for 2 manis and 2 pedis) as well as an application kit.
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"Midnight Celebration" with a sample wrap |
So, I've applied these things twice...and I'm a believer! I love that they aren't polish (I wreck polish by day 2 if I haven't already in the painting/drying process), I love how long they last but you can easily apply/remove whenever, and I just love that they're fun but subtle.
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They also have seasonal designs! |
Have you tried a Jamberry wrap yet? Or are you nervous like I was? Jamberry has great resources including application videos to get you started. Plus, you can try before you buy—just contact Jill for a free sample!
Like what you've seen/tried? Order up! Or, if you're feeling lucky, enter below for a $25 Jamberry credit with Jill!
(also, you can check out other giveaways and link up your own here!)
Baltimore, MD, USA
no waste: repair vs. replace
January 9, 2015 • DIY, green
I was on my morning walk with Anise when it happened.
Sneaky girl that she is, I'm convinced that she times her business for when she sees another person or dog—that way she can spring on them while I'm cleaning up after her.
This particular morning was no different. Well. it was a little different. A man across the street was out with his two dogs—his little cotton balls that don't weigh even a tenth of what Anise does. He was out with them...off leash.
Suddenly I was on the ground and there were three dogs in front of me instead of one. The two little dogs had silently run across the street to check Anise out. Anise naturally sprang into action. She adores small dogs. But, in the process, I gained two muddy knees and one broken Bearpaw boot.
Oh, I was irritated. I tweeted my displeasure to Bearpaw. A sole should not rip so easily from a shoe (even worse, this was my second pear of Bearpaw boots to die this way). They ignored me.
My first thought was immediately to buy a new pair. I want a sturdy warm boot to be rough on outside and refuse to pay UGG prices (andas it turns out, Bearpaw prices have climbed closer to UGG prices. Boo). I can't spring for that right now. I scoured the internet for any sale or possible way to replace my boots without settling for cheap junk. It's cold and I need them!
In the midst of my searching, I remembered this year's goal. In particular, I remembered a certain blog post from the blogger who inspired my goal. My google search switched from finding new boots to fixing my current ones. While I wouldn't personally go as far in my no-waste desire as to never buy new clothes, I do think that repairing our existing ones has become a lost art that certainly contributes to waste.
One search result and $6 in epoxy later, my broken boot was drying and I was hoping for the best.
Just a few days later, Maryland's first legitimate snow put my DIY to the test—and it passed! Anise and I went for a walk and the only wet feet were hers!
That's one less pair of boots in the landfill and $80+ not spent on new boots. It's a start.

Sneaky girl that she is, I'm convinced that she times her business for when she sees another person or dog—that way she can spring on them while I'm cleaning up after her.
This particular morning was no different. Well. it was a little different. A man across the street was out with his two dogs—his little cotton balls that don't weigh even a tenth of what Anise does. He was out with them...off leash.
Suddenly I was on the ground and there were three dogs in front of me instead of one. The two little dogs had silently run across the street to check Anise out. Anise naturally sprang into action. She adores small dogs. But, in the process, I gained two muddy knees and one broken Bearpaw boot.
Oh, I was irritated. I tweeted my displeasure to Bearpaw. A sole should not rip so easily from a shoe (even worse, this was my second pear of Bearpaw boots to die this way). They ignored me.
My first thought was immediately to buy a new pair. I want a sturdy warm boot to be rough on outside and refuse to pay UGG prices (andas it turns out, Bearpaw prices have climbed closer to UGG prices. Boo). I can't spring for that right now. I scoured the internet for any sale or possible way to replace my boots without settling for cheap junk. It's cold and I need them!
In the midst of my searching, I remembered this year's goal. In particular, I remembered a certain blog post from the blogger who inspired my goal. My google search switched from finding new boots to fixing my current ones. While I wouldn't personally go as far in my no-waste desire as to never buy new clothes, I do think that repairing our existing ones has become a lost art that certainly contributes to waste.
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Step 1. Clean/Step 2. Glue/Step 3. Clamp/Step 4. Dry. Easy! |
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I know it's filthy. These kiddos are for tackling the dirty, cold outdoors. |
That's one less pair of boots in the landfill and $80+ not spent on new boots. It's a start.
how to win the breakfast struggle with Yoplait
• food, sponsored
This post is sponsored by Yoplait. Thank you for supporting the companies who support re•solve.
re•solve is all about healthy, clean eating, but I have a confession to make:
Breakfast is still a struggle for me.
We've all grown up hearing how important it is - it's the most important meal of the day, it kick starts your metabolism, you. must. eat. breakfast.! You and I both know breakfast has its merits.
On the other hand, I don't think mornings have any merits and I choose sleep over breakfast 9.99 times out of 10.
But, there is hope for me yet. Baby steps, people. While eating breakfast first thing in the morning doesn't happen, eating it at my desk while I do my first e-mail check does. We've already established that I hate mornings, so clearly I'm not making anything.
I need something affordable and convenient that I can grab on my way out the door. Thank heavens for Greek Yogurt!
Yoplait Greek 100 is claiming their spot in the competitive Greek Yogurt market and I must say, they're doing quite well. Whether you are trying to achieve breakfast eating, healthy eating, or weight loss, this brand totes an impressive label to get you started on those goals: 100 calories, 10-12 grams of protein, 0% fat (yes, zero!) in your choice of over 20 flavors:
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I can't fit every flavor in my fridge, but you will always find Greek Yogurt inside! |
Aside from the Key Lime that I pick up just for Sean, these are mine all mine! I love all the fruit options, but the flavor lineup also includes more decadent flavors like Banana Caramel, Orange Crème, Apple Pie, and Strawberry Cheesecake.
Need a little more than just yogurt in the morning? Use a #snackhack to turn your yogurt into a yummy treat that only has 150 calories total! I'm seriously drooling over the blueberry-lemon-coconut and berry-almond-cherry combos (all Yoplait's #snackhack recipes can be found here) .
I'm planning on hacking my yogurt this weekend after some much-desired sleeping in. Now, to decide which flavor to take to work this morning....
Baltimore, MD, USA
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