Get Ready for the 12 Days of Christmas Link Up!

November 25, 2013

As I'm writing this, it's November, but...

My Christmas cards have been addressed (and I realized I need to buy more!)
Half are signed and sealed
A fresh wreath is on my door
I have already played the 'Christmas" playlist on my iPod
Most of my Christmas shopping is DONE.

Yeah, you could say I like Christmas. While I've always been an early shopper, I've often been irritated that so many people jump the gun on other festivities. Oh well, I guess I'm one of those people this year. But, it's OK, because so is Aleshea and we all know I love her! That being said, we teamed up this year to bring you #12DC, a two-week link up dedicated to the most wonderful time of the year!

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Here's what you do:

1. Spread the word! Tweet using #12DC, Pin it, Facebook,  & slap our lovely button up!
2. Check out the prompts (Mon-Sat) and write your posts.
3. Link up with Aleshea and I each day as scheduled below:

Monday, December 9: Starting with the basics - What does Christmas mean to you?
Tuesday December 10: We all know tis' the season of sugar - What's your favorite holiday dessert?
Wednesday, December 11: We know your trees are up, so show us yours, plus your other indoor decor!
Thursday, December 12: Speaking of that iTunes playlist, share your favorite Christmas song with us!
Friday, December 13: Open a new blog post. Close your eyes. Pretend you still talk to Santa. Open your eyes. Start writing. What would you say? What would you tell him? What would you ask for?
Saturday, December 14: Dust off that Bible. We'll wait and pretend you didn’t have to look for it first. What's your favorite biblical account of the Christmas Story and why (as in, which book of the Bible)?
Monday, December 16: We didn't forget all the pretty lights - It's time to show off your outdoor decor!
Tuesday, December 17:  Christmas Dinner! What are your must haves? Share a savory recipe.
Wednesday, December 18: Do you eat Chinese like in "A Christmas Story?" Read a certain story or do a certain something each year? We want to hear your awesome Christmas traditions (kudos if you got married and had to argue with your spouse over it!)
Thursday, December 19: The ghost of Christmas past or just Nostalgia? Either way, share your favorite Christmas memory!
Friday, December 20: Another recipe day - we want to see your favorite festive drink recipes (I've been all over Pinterest finding just the right cranberry punch)!
Saturday, December 21: Photo Dump! We want your blog to look like Christmas threw up on it, so have at it!

See y'all starting Monday, December 9th, for #12DC!!!


  1. Bekah, you and Aleshea are so creative- what a great idea for a link up! I will put it on my calendar- thank you!

    Love, Joy @ Yesterfood

    1. Joy, you always make me smile with your thoughtful comments. Headed to the store to buy things for Thanksgiving and Sour Cream is deff on my list. Finally gonna make those grits muffins and I can't wait.

  2. Aw! I love this! That last one... can't wait! =D

  3. GIRL! Can you please come do my shopping and card addressing?

  4. I want to do this but have no idea how to do a link up.

  5. wow you're so on it!! I have to catch up! haha

  6. The only reason I haven't already sent out my Christmas cards is because I'm waiting till after Thanksgiving so that I don't get in trouble for sending them out too early! :P Hmmmm...Christmas traditions....maybe I could think of something interesting to write on that topic...

  7. Can't wait for some new writing inspiration!


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