What: Jersey Boys, the jukebox story of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons
When: September 2016
Where: the Hippodrome Theatre, Baltimore
Why: It was the first show of the season! I was in theatre withdrawal from the summer silence.
Thoughts: I'm always a little hesitant to see a jukebox musical when I'm not familiar with the artist, but inevitably, I go to the show and almost immediately think "oh! that song!" They are usually classics we've all heard without awareness of the artist.
The plot is nothing particularly riveting; what makes the show is the solid acting and singing as well as the "seasons" model of narration. I left the theatre enthusiastic and wanting to learn more about the artists. I'd call that a success on the show's behalf. My only complaint would be that I felt the transition into the ending was a little abrupt and didn't seem to flow with the rest of the show. Still, I definitely enjoyed myself and would say Jersey Boys is a show worth seeing.
Have you seen Jersey Boys? Let me know in the comments!
All the shows I've seen to date can be found here, and you can listen to the Jersey Boys cast recording here.

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