Hey there, new friends! Y'all probably know this already, but Bekah is out recovering from surgery right now - and so today is my turn to fill in for her. So Hi, Hello, Aloha! I'm Halie and I blog at Penguins, Pasta & Polka Dots. In a nutshell, I'm a wife-to-be planning my wedding for this upcoming October. I write about my silly adventures, bike rides, food, crafts, nail art, losing weight and getting healthy, and all sorts of random things. It's quite fun, if I do say so myself. :)
I'm typically a very positive and upbeat kinda gal. I love having fun and laughing, and I love finding new things that make me happy. Of course it changes all the time, sometimes almost daily it feels like, but today I just want to share with you 5 quick things that are currently making me super happy!
1. Summer time. I love the sunshine and the beach and swimming and working on my tan. Seriously - it's one of my favorite things about living in Florida.
2. Wedding planning! We're at a pretty fun part of the process, and I definitely have what a fellow blogger-friend of mine described as "bride brain." It's all I can think about sometimes!
3. That my future step-sons are here visiting us for a few weeks. My fiance Jeff has twin almost-7-year-old's who live about 9 hours from us. But they are here to hang out for six weeks (2 sets of 3) this summer! And they're so stinking cute :)
4. My new blog design. My awesome blog friend and designer just made me my second new design since January, and I'm kind of obsessed with this one. Love it!
5. Fresh fruits. Specifically mango! Soo good and so summery. I could eat one every night as dessert.
Simple list, but each of these things brings me so much enjoyment and happiness. I think y'all should also try to list at just five little things that make you happy. I think it makes us stop and appreciate those things so much more when we take time to actually recognize them! So think about it, and then make sure you take advantage of those things.
If it's a person - tell them.
If it's a place - go for a quick visit.
If it's an activity - get out and do it!
If it's food - definitely eat it.
Whatever it is, just make sure you take time to enjoy whatever it is that makes YOU happy!
I'm glad Bekah had me around her cute bloggy-blog today, so that I could also take the time to think about these things. But I'm also glad because it gives me a chance to make some new blog friends! I'd love for y'all to hop on over to my little space and say hello. Seriously, I love it when I get comments and emails. (I know we all do, I'm just admitting I like it a whole super lot...) Hope to hear from y'all soon, and meet some new friends!
Also, you can find me all over the social media world, but my favorite is definitely Instagram, then Vine!
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Great advice on making sure you enjoy your life. If you do things you enjoy you will always be full of regrets about the things you missed out on.
ReplyDeleteHeidi’s Wanderings