Seriously, I thought it would be so much easier. Instead, I'm wondering why my head is flailing all around and why I look like I have three chins. Ew. Sorry, not sharing the footage with you guys. We'll try again when a pro decides we're worth shooting and makes us look awesome. Until then, enjoy our smart alecky selves via the written word:

1. What are three things you love about your spouse?
Bekah – I used to joke that two qualifications in a man for me were one who was taller than me and one who had a common last name (my maiden name is very stalker-friendly). I love that Sean meets both of those requirements! I also love how snuggly he is.
Sean - She’s funny, smart, and she can out-belch most of my friends.
Bekah - It's true. One day, he said I should burp in front of him to demonstrate that I was comfortable in his presence. I bet he regrets that now!
Sean - Funny thing was they were talking about this topic on the morning radio show this morning! That it was 7 months on average before couples were comfortable enough to belch and fart(!) in front of each other. And no I don't regret her belching. Any other hubbies have this quality in a wife? Please give us feedback.
2. What are two things you love about your relationship with your spouse?
Bekah – I LOVE that we share the same Love Languages
Sean - We understand each other so well that we’re really comfortable in our relationship and (censored).
Bekah - Ha! It was him that wrote censored this time, not me! I feel like I've accomplished something here.
Sean - She's got one coming, don't worry.
3. What is your favorite tv show to watch with your spouse?
Bekah – The Office is one we agree on. We were late to the show but caught up all the way from season one on hulu recently. We also started following the Mindy Project this season. I thought it was weird at first, but it's gotten pretty funny lately.
Sean -The Office. We got into it a few seasons ago and decided to go watch from the beginning to get all the goofiness and back story. So when we saw Michael Scott leave it had her crying because we got to know everyone better. She won’t admit to it, but her cheeks were fairly wet from tears the second time we watched the episode.
4. When did your spouse know you were the one?
Bekah – When did HE know I was the one?? I have no idea. We knew we’d get married forever, we were just flat broke. I can’t pinpoint any sort of “when.”
Sean - No clue. But I know she says it was my family and how I interacted with my much younger brother and sister who we don't see very often unfortunately.
5. What is your favorite dating memory with your spouse?
Bekah – All the traveling! My family rarely took vacations or went anywhere fun. I have been more places with Sean and his family since we met in 2005 than I have in the other combined 19 years of my life! A few beaches, family reunions, and of course, Disney Trips!
@ The Animal Kingdom Circa 2009 - that's how we roll. |
Sean - Maybe the first date when were told to shut up in the movie theater I was commenting on mechanical stuff in The Aviator, and she commented she could see Leonardo’s lipstick on a close up. Then there was the time we had been sitting in a Firestone parking lot near the mall for a little bit trying to decide what we were going to do for the night. A police officer pulled up, asked for my license, and asked her to step out of the car to make sure I wasn't harming her. She was asked, “What is he to you?”. Good question, but oddly put.
Bekah -Ha! I forgot about that. Really. Neither of us would decide where to go/what to do, and we are equally stubborn, so he said he wouldn't move the car until I decided. This wasn't a make-out stop, it was really a who would wait the other out longer stop. It was hilarious!
6. What is your spouse's go to saying when he/she gets frustrated?
Bekah – He doesn't SAY anything…he just growls/scowls/stomps…especially when sports are involved.
Sean - (I don’t stomp) I can tell she’s just upset by body language and eyes (lack of sparkle). She kinda shuts down like me and doesn't say much until coaxed.
7. What is something your spouse loves to hear you say?
Bekah – Censored! (wow, Karla…you are good at writing questions that I have to censor!) ;)
Maybe “want a back rub or back tickles?”
Sean- When I offer back pops. I try to do it when she gets home or if I hadn't done it for a bit of time during the day.
8. Wedding vows: Who chose them or wrote them and what was your favorite part of them?
Bekah – We love each other lots, I swear…but we are SO not that mushy couple. We went with the traditional vows. We wanted to keep the ceremony short and sweet and let our guests actually enjoy themselves.
Sean – Our pastor used the traditional vows. They worked perfectly well for us. I think if we wrote them, there just would have been synonyms in place.
9. What is something you convinced your spouse to change after you got married?
Bekah – PSA: DON’T DO THIS! Expectations are dangerous, and if you are expecting your spouse to be a different person after the wedding, you should also expect disappointment and trouble. If you can’t love him or her as they are now, don’t get married!
Really, though…I think we’re pretty much exactly the same. Changes we’ve made are part of the growth process more than “oh, now that we’re married, you’re not allowed to drink beer (or whatever) anymore….”
Sean - Nothing yet. I have tried and tried to find a beer she may like, I’ve only found some she can tolerate for a couple sips (I’m a craft beer drinker). I’ve also tried to get her to learn manual transmission and she’s super reluctant. So I’m not really interested in “changing” her, but adding to her repertoire.
Epcot. Sean took this picture as proof that I actually tried beer. |
10. What does your spouse have going to the championships on his/her basketball bracket and why?
Bekah – He had Gonzaga. We were so behind on the whole bracket process overall this year.
Sean - I would love to meet the person who has this year’s dead on! I can’t remember who she had in the finals. But I can tell you how she picks her brackets. First criterion is location; she pulls for the local schools. Second is by who she doesn’t like (especially Rutgers). Then by teams I like. Then by school color, if it’s purple they’re highly likely to be out. FINALLY, by school name recognition.
Bekah - I think I had Georgetown. I figured they had a better chance than VCU.
This is so special! You 2 seem to have a great relationship! I have to read The 5 Love Languages...I have heard so many good things about it!
ReplyDeleteLA :)
Hahaha. You guys are becoming one of my top favorite couples in this link up. You guys are a blast. Veronica actually thought up these questions this time (we switch on and off) but I know I write a ton of questions that could have many censored answers hahahaha. I love it.
ReplyDeleteLooove the love languages book. Scott and I actually rea it together. It was so worth it. Definitely taught us a lot we didnt know about each other and ourselves for that matter!
You are so right about expectations before marriage. Definitely that is a recipe for disaster! I agree!
And we also had traditional vows given to us by our pastor. Much less nerve wracking that way!!
Love this girl! Oh anddddd... Scott and I burp/fart in front of each other on the reg. thats how you know its true love! Lol! And you both should totally not be so hard on yourselves with the vlog. I bet it wasnt that bad!! :-)
I love the Love Languages book! It was the first book that Chris and I read together after we got engaged! And I so agree about the changing your spouse! If its something that bothers you before it will bother you during the relationship!!!
ReplyDeleteThis was so sweet! You guys seem like a great match :) and YES to The Office!!! I am obsessed with that show (so is my hubs), and I credit it in part to us winding up together, lol.
ReplyDeleteMy husband Leon and I read the "Love Language" book when we were engaged. I loved reading it! I wanna read it again. :) Love your answers!! Oh and I love your blog too!
ReplyDeleteGreat post you guys are funny together. I was wondering the whole way if I could get my husband to answer these sort of questions. Probably not. He's the least bit interested in my blog. But I enjoyed reading about your guys.
Remember our belching contests when we were kids? :-D
ReplyDeletetotally agree with the Love Languages! Definite need in any marriage/relationship!
ReplyDeleteWe love the Office too!
haha what a strange situation with the cop!
yes agreed on expectations...our changes were more, things that we learned made more sense the way he/she did things/suggested things...those kinds of changes.