This week,
Karla teamed up with
Leah for some fresh questions. Enjoy!
1. What is the funniest thing your spouse has done?
Bekah – The poor guy will never live this one down. I didn’t even know him when this happened, but it’s the first thing I think of. When he was in high school, he one day asked his dad/stepmom if he could have ice cream. They said yes. He then asked “where is it?” to which his dad sarcastically replied “in the cabinet.” I guess it was one of those days because he searched the cabinet and proceeded to say “I can’t find it!”
Sean – Laughed and encouraged my “mama duck” spiel of feeding potato chips at Disney while eating lunch. Which goes back to my “mama seagull” days of trying to chew and feed Skittles to seagulls?
Bekah - Yeah...I'm not explaining that.
2. What is your idea of a good date?
Bekah – Ideally it begins with us both having the same day off so neither of us are stressed from other commitments. Anything that we can take our time is great – our recent date in DC was great for that reason – we were able to walk to dinner with no time frame thus we were able to take our time and really stop to notice and enjoy things along the way.
Sean – Time to focus on each other and together time. Even if it’s just to laugh together watching a show or movie.
3. What is your favorite memory of you and your spouse?
Bekah – I certainly miss having more time to spend together when we both worked closer to more traditional hours. We’re both so tired now and don’t do a whole lot. As much as I hated all the time volleyball used to take up in his life, I do miss the social aspect of the outdoor group he used to play with in the spring and summer as well.
Sean – Any vacation. She’s far less stressed and we have so much time to spend together.
mini golf always makes vacation happy! |
Bekah - SO true. Can we go on one now?
4. What are some activities/hobbies that you and your spouse do together?
Bekah – I’ll be talking about Appalachian Trail Days in a post soon. We’ve done that missions trip three years in a row (and I’m heartbroken about not making it this year!). It is great to serve others together.
Sean – Trail Days, vacations, The Office, new restaurants and some ol’ favorites.
5. Why do think your marriage/relationship is successful?
Bekah – When we say we’re best friends, we really mean it. There’s no awkwardness or hiding our quirks. We own our weirdness together and we’re fine with it. Also, neither of us are fans of conflict- we get enough of that from other areas in life so we don’t see a need to stir up drama with one another.
Sean – We’re compatible. While we can be ultra-opinionated or stubborn, our personality is actually very easygoing. Besides, have we mentioned same Love Languages?!
6. What is your spouse's dream job? Is he/she currently in it?
Bekah – I’m not sure that he knows yet. I think gym teacher would be an ideal fit for him. He is a knowledgeable and skilled athlete and great with kids!
Sean – I think it was something government for job security and chance for continual upgrades, but I know she doesn't like all the “sequester” talk so I’m thinking she’s thankful she didn’t get into all that.
Bekah – yes indeed. It sucks making high school hourly money, but at least I have a job and it’s one I enjoy!
7. What is the best gift your spouse ever gave you?
Bekah – The claddagh ring he got me our first Christmas together is a classic. More recently, he chose two sea glass pendants for me completely on his own – I was wowed because I hadn’t mentioned or asked for them. He noticed my hunt for sea glass while vacationing in Maine last summer and he took it to heart- the best kind of gift.
Sean – “The Shirt” from Notre Dame. The student body produces this annual tradition to help raise funds. She gets me one each year for my birthday. And it was me who started searching for the seaglass in Maine. We stopped by this cove just outside of a little coastal town and I started taking pictures of the wildlife and scenery, then started into a small pastime of shell and beach rock hunting when I noticed something smooth and frosted in the sand.
8. Where do you see you and your spouse in the next 10 years?
Bekah – In our own home with a dog or two and jobs with non-conflicting schedules.
Sean – What she said, and hopefully a couple kids, that would be ultra-ideal!
9. Is marriage everything you expected it to be? Is it much harder than you thought it would be? Why?
Bekah – People were ALWAYS going on about how hard marriage was, the first year especially. I was terrified that we would randomly get in fights over nothing and be miserable. It’s not like that at all. It’s what you make of it. We didn’t expect any drastic change to come about because of marriage and didn’t enter with unrealistic expectations of each other which I think helped. It has not been bad for us at all!
Sean – Yes and nope.
10. Who is your spouse's celebrity crush and do you look like them?
Bekah – I tease him about having a “man crush” on Brady Quinn and other Notre Dame athletes, so hopefully I do NOT look like any of them!
Sean – Hers are also of her own sex. Reese Witherspoon, Pink, Julia Stiles. I don’t really know of any celebrity guys she’s into (openly). I think they can be attractive and respectable at times so sure, I like them.
Bekah- Ha! Generally when I find a celebrity male attractive, I eventually find out he’s a nutcase, so I just don’t bother. Though Reese just got arrested, so maybe it applies anyway. :/
Your answers are so cute! I love getting to read your answers! You and you hubs are so cute! I love your where you see each other in 10 years! so cute!
ReplyDeleteThis is so cute! I cannot wait to do this with my future husband :)
ReplyDeleteahhh you share love languages!? NO FAIR.
ReplyDeleteMine is quality time and service.
His are words of afirmation and touch.
SO much work to communicate.
I love all of your answers! The first year wasn't as hard as I was told either. I think it depends on you whether or not you want your marriage to work or not. It's all about picking your battles. :)
ReplyDeleteGirl... YES to #9. I agree with what you said on my post... younger people have more determination to make it work! Love that he got you a gift that you weren't expecting... those are the best kind! Hahahah I love the sarcastic "It's in the cabinet" comment. Sounds like something my Dad would say!
ReplyDeleteum that mini gold place just looks AMAZING!
ReplyDeletelove languages...YES!
OMGEE I can't believe you just said BRADY QUINN! I'm dying! My friend was OBSESSED with him when he played for notre dame and consequently made me too. We had pictures of him...she stalked him on news like ultra embarrassing...and in fact, found some sort of blog thing out there and commented that she wanted to marry him..UNDER MY NAME!!! Wow the memories this brings back...
Wow, yall are awesome! I love that you go on yearly mission trips and spend lots of quality time together!
ReplyDeleteReese got arrested?! Oh my...I must check this out!
Thanks for stopping by our blog! I love when someone picks up the Narnia reference. We are excited for the day we have kids and get to instill Aslan values into them :)
Happy Friday!