I always comment on how Sean and I still like each other. We've been married nearly three years and together a total of eight, but we still like each other. He acts offended, but I think he's starting to get my point: you can love somebody but not necessarily like them at all times. Of course I love him, but I'm happier knowing that there is a genuine like that goes along with our love (redundant word usage much?).
That being said, still liking each other makes me feel like we still have the newlywed mindset. However, these "Newlywed Game" questions from the link•up at Forever Newly Wedded make me feel like everyone else must perceive us as an old married couple. Our answers are almost all identical. Sorry we're so boring!

What is your spouse's favorite animal?
Sean: dog
Bekah: dog
(c'mon now, I work with puppies for cryin' out loud! True story - a puppy was going to be our wedding gift to one another, but we ended up in a no-dogs allowed apartment complex. Sad)
What's their occupation? Explain as much as you possibly can.
Sean: You help people check in their dogs and comfort them.
Bekah: He labors way too long on producing mailing lists that are also way too long.
What is your spouse's favorite pro sports team?
Sean: Baltimore Ravens
Bekah: Baltimore Ravens
Honestly, I couldn't care less...but I support for his sake |
Sean: Jamaica
Bekah: South Carolina or Jamaica
We honeymooned at Couples Sans Souci in Ocho Rios...dying to go back! |
Sean: visit Ireland
Bekah: visit Ireland
(We're both part Irish. Just in case you hadn't figured that out.)
What is your spouse's favorite candy or sweet?
Sean: Kit Kat
Bekah: gummies, twizzlers
What is something your spouse would love to have in their dream home? Like a specific room they want, etc.
Sean: well of course it has to have a kitchen, but if it's a dream home, it's gotta have something special... (guess he had a brain fart on my obsession with porches)
I drool over this house every year we go on our AT Days missions trip... |
If your spouse could only watch one movie over and over for a week, which one would it be?
Sean: 10 Things I Hate About You
Bekah: Rudy
Who chose the wedding colors? Your or your spouse? What were they?
Sean: Yes. Blue & Gold.
Bekah: We agreed well ahead of time - Navy & Yellow.
(Navy & yellow have always been a favorite combo of mine. It was a win-win as he associates colors with college sports teams - he loves ND and Navy!)
If your spouse could teach a monkey one trick, what would they have it do?
Sean: I have no clue
Bekah: Bring him beer

PS - I try to limit my link•up posts in order to have more original content. For that reason, I did not participate in yesterday's wildly popular Blog Crush link•up. However, I have to give a shout out to Christina at Carolina Charm as my blog crush.

She probably doesn't even read this, and likely I just seem like a stalker...but I found her blog last year and it is the first I actively followed. I likely wouldn't have started blogging actively again myself if that hadn't happened.
And, for reasons that you all will find out about soon enough, a shout out also needs to go to Erin at Love, Fun, and Football! She is both talented and honest, which I appreciate.
I love reading the wedding color questions! The women all use specific names and guys just use the basic colors! So funny!
ReplyDeletehi bekah! i love the look of your blog. it's so cute! oh my gosh, my husband and i had so much fun playing this newlywed game last night. haha. i like that you included photos with all of your answers. oh, and i love navy and yellow, too!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness. You are so adorable. You are not an old married couple at all!! There is so much that I love about this! First of all, congrats to you Raven fans!! Also.. I think it's so great that you both know each other so well, yet still LIKE each other. You are totally spot on with all that. You can love someone without liking them all the time. Glad you both still like and love each other =)
ReplyDeleteLoooove that house! Wrap around porches are so awesome and so beautiful. I think it's pretty hilarious how your husband says that your wedding colors were blue & gold and you said they were yellow & navy which is technically the same thing but yours sound more elegant hahaha. Thanks for linking up with us! It's nice to see a fresh face linking up! So glad you enjoyed it! =D
How cute!
ReplyDeleteI love reading these things about folks. So sweet.
and love the new blog banner. really, really cute.
Thanks! I'm really happy with how it turned out. I've been looking for a designer for some time now.
Deleteokay totally LOVE that yall have the same answers! That means yall know each other SO incredibly well! Marriage is supposed to be between best friends, and best friends know each other very well...right?! Well I think so.
ReplyDeleteThat house pictures is exactly my dream home!
Glad you linked up!
Go Ravens! And Ireland is SO pretty! I went there before I was old enough to REALLY appreciate it, so I'm hoping to return one day with my husband :) and kit kats are delicious!