sometimes you just need carbs

March 11, 2013

This was our dinner Saturday night. It isn't balanced. It isn't original or thought-provoking. It is, however, fresh and delicious. Sean and I happily nibbled away while lamenting the fact that there were no new episodes of The Office on Hulu for us to enjoy. So, we enjoyed our potatoes. We are Irish, after all.

Nom Nom Potatoes (told you this isn't original)

You Will Need:

4-5 small-medium potatoes of your preferred variety
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp garlic salt
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp dried parsley
1 tsp black pepper


Preheat oven to 350 F
Wash potatoes and remove any eyes. Cut into small wedges.

Mix garlic, onion, parsley, and pepper in a separate container.

Place potato wedges in large ziploc bag. Add olive oil and spice mixture. Shake to coat.
Bake for 30-40 minutes until soft. Snack away!

Thanks to Coastal Charm, Jam Hands, Keeping it Simple, Say not Sweet Anne, Jam Hands, and Sumo's Sweet Stuff for featuring this recipe!

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  1. AGREED! sometiems you do need carbs. those look yummy!
    Helene in Between

  2. Yes, I do! Besides, the parsely makes it king of healthy. They look good. I am your new follower via GF.

    1. Thank you! I tell myself they are healthy since I made them at home and thus they are sans crappy preservatives. The parsley makes it pretty. :)

  3. Potatoes are one of my favourite sides and these look great!! Thanks for linking up to Simple Supper Tuesday!

  4. as i'm about to lower my carbs again haha!

  5. Those do look really yummy. I don't know if my husband would let me make them though.
    Last time I made potatoes in the oven, they tasted just like an uncooked potato...ewh.


  6. These look wonderful! I love potatoes and would have to agree that you do sometimes just need carbs. Thanks so much for sharing your yummy recipe!

  7. How deliciously simple! I love potatoes as sides, I think these would go perfectly to mop up with gravy or my favourite tamarind chutney!

  8. These look delish! Thanks for sharing!

    Jenna @

  9. Those look yummy and even though I want the carbs, I don't need them haha

  10. yummmm yum yum! i love meals like this :) they keep me sane, we can't always have a well balanced diet lol

    xo brie

  11. Hi Bekah,
    You left a comment on my blog and I wanted to respond but you appear as a no-reply commenter, so I couldn't. If you want to fix it I did a post called Are you a no-reply blogger?

    Hugs, Smiles and Blessings,
    Robin @ Fluster Buster

    1. Hi Robin,

      It's funny you should say that. I read another blog post about no-reply bloggers the day before you posted this. I double checked my settings and according to these tutorials, I am NOT a no-reply blogger. hmm.

  12. Mmmmmm . . . I love this. Perfect comfort food.

  13. I love a good potato recipe. Thanks for sharing with us at "In and Out of the Kitchen Link Up Party"

  14. Those look yummy! I love roasted potatoes. I am a new follower from Doing You Well Wednesday. Have a lovely day!

  15. Hi Bekah! I love seasoned, roasted potatoes! I found your blog thru the 'Doing you well Wednesday' blog hop! I'm also a new GFC follower of yours!


  16. Definitely on the carbs, specifically complex carbs (not simple) like potatoes and other veggies. There is a fantastic book on it called, The Starch Solution by Dr. McDougall who advocates a plant-based diet and especially one high in complex carbs. It's sad that carbs get a bad name when it's actually the simple carbs that are a problem; complex carbs are essential to the body.

  17. Your potatoes look amazingly delicious! I love how such a simple recipe can bring something special to the table :)
    Thank you so much for sharing this at Wednesday Extravaganza - can't wait to see what you share next week :)

  18. Can I get a YUM YUM, these sound awesome! Thanks for linking up at our Gluten Free Fridays party! I have tweeted and pinned your entry to our Gluten Free Fridays board on Pinterest! :)

    Hope you enjoyed the last two week's of giveaways!

    Cindy from


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